Measures: ca. 280 cm x 395 cm x 150 cm; wooden wall, beams, epoxy screws, concrete castings, rope, wooden box, string bag
Jaffa (2014): Installation for“V“ (exhibition together with Heidi Specker) at After the Butcher – Raum für Kunst und soziale Fragen Berlin, 2014 curated by Thomas Kilpper
Jaffa is a site specific and a non-site specific installation. After the Butcher is organized by artist Thomas Kilpper. It has a status as an insider tip for contemporary art in the quite neighborhood district of Berlin-Lichtenberg. The installation Jaffa is a sloping wooden wall, which distorts the entrance of the artspace which was formerly a shop with huge windows. From inside it seems, that the sloping wall could fall down through the tensile force activated by a string bag filled up with oranges as concrete castings. The string bag is hanging at a gallow. The string bag is balanced on a wooden box. The whole installation looks very unstable – could easily crash down. In general the installation compares and reflects temporality on different levels. Here – on a site specific level – it compares the temporary status of After the Butcher as an contemporary art space in a non art environment. On a meta political level Jaffa tries to remember on the short time of succesfull cooperation between Palestinians und Jews through a common production on orange plantations and export of the so called Jaffa oranges for a short period in the 20th century.