Joachim Blank, 1963 born in Aachen (de), is an artist living in Berlin and working with different materials, media and formats.

In the early 90ies he became a cofounder of early Net Art projects. From 1996 – 2005 and since 2018 he collaborates with Karl Heinz Jeron  as Blank & Jeron. Since 2003 he is a Professor of Media Art (Class for Installation and Space) at the Academy of Fine Arts (HGB) in Leipzig.

The confrontation with the digital world has become a main aspect of his own artistic practice. Blank’s central question revolves about how media are changing the perception of materiality in digital and physical space, how medial arguments are enrolled in the surfaces of the objects and are transforming them. It is about investigating the materiality of things and images, their outer appearance and physical presence in terms of surface-, meaning- and knowledge production.

His works were presented in solo and group exhibitions such as Medien Biennale Leipzig (1994), Documenta X (1997), NBK Berlin (1998), ZKM Karlsruhe (1998), Ars Electronica Linz (1999), Walker Art Center, Minneapolis (2000), Institute of Contemporary Art London (2001), Foto Museum Winterthur (2001), National Museum of Contemporary Art Oslo (2003), NGBK Berlin (2004), Kunstverein Leipzig (2004), Galerie Filipp Rosbach (2006 – 2011), San Fransisco Museum of Modern Art (2008), TEAF09, Ulsan City, Korea (2009), Berlinische Galerie (2010), National Museum Stettin (2014), After the butcher – Raum für Kunst und soziale Fragen, Berlin (2014), Altana Galerie Dresden (2016), (2018), Transmediale (2020), Kunst-im-Stadtraum Berlin (2021/22), Die Möglichkeit einer Insel Berlin (2024) and Kunstsammlungen Chemnitz (2024).

© Joachim Blank

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Studio Joachim Blank; Türrschmidtstr. 32; D-10317 Berlin

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The image rights of this website are held by Joachim Blank, VG Bildkunst Bonn or by other authors as indicated.

© Joachim Blank, Berlin 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024


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Studio Joachim Blank; Türrschmidtstr. 32; D-10317 Berlin


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Die Bildrechte dieser Website liegen bei Joachim Blank, VG Bildkunst Bonn oder bei anderen Autoren wie angegeben.

© Joachim Blank, Berlin 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022